eSSentiel: what you should know before meeting our team

Personne âgée dans son milieu de vie

Would you like to be part of the eSSentiel by Sacrée Soirée team in the kitchen or in service? A rewarding professional opportunity awaits! Here’s how to prepare for the interview with our team so that you have every chance on your side. With these proven tips, you can confirm your interest in this type of position and make sure you arrive fully prepared.

What are the benefits of the eSSentiel service?

First, let’s review why the eSSential service represents an excellent opportunity for professional accomplishment. Its main advantages are (but not limited to):

  • Feeling useful, appreciated and essential in a human, enriching and dynamic work environment
  • Bringing comfort and joy to the people’s daily lives
  • Accomplishing important work that makes a difference
  • Harnessing distinctive human qualities
  • Enjoying more stable working hours than the service and kitchen industry usually offers you
  • Have the ability to select day shifts for work/life balance

How to best prepare for this eSSentiel meeting?

Before your interview with a member of our team, there are some important steps you should take. Be optimally prepared!

We recommend that you take a few moments to reflect and ensure that the eSSentiel opportunities really correspond to your personal interests and skills. We have included some questions for you in the following section.

Relax! Although it is normal to feel nervous before an interview, you should know that this meeting is primarily intended to highlight your value. There are no trick questions! In fact, your previous challenges may be positive tools that make you even more willing to do this work.

Think about your best qualities. Be creative, get to the bottom of this reflection. What are they? What about your challenges at work? What do you find satisfying in life and what are you most proud of? What makes you angry or frustrated?

How to ensure the eSSentiel opportunities are for you?

Let’s face it, eSSentiel roles are not suitable to all profiles. For our agency and our team members, happiness is paramount and we want you to thrive in our clients’ environments. Therefore, ask yourself these valuable questions before our interview in order to determine if you have a real desire to work in these types of environments. In our opinion, the collaboration must be a win-win situation for both parties and we want to emphasize your sense of accomplishment at work.

  • According to you, what is a vulnerable clientele? In our case, it is mainly elderly people, but it can also be sick people or children.
  • Do you want to work with a vulnerable clientele? Do you feel like you can take on this kind of challenge?
  • Do you have a human experience with a vulnerable person to share? It is important to keep in mind that any experience of you helping someone is a relevant one, whether it is personal or professional.

In the case of the three previous questions, note that there are no wrong answers or stupid questions.

Reminder of the skills required for eSSentiel work

Do you think you have what it takes to be an outstanding eSSentiel candidate? We have noticed that the professionals who work well in these environments have similar qualities: they are good listeners, have good observation skills, empathy and self-control.

These are the skills that will help our service and kitchen professionals succeed in the various living environments we work with. Do you have them?

We can’t wait to meet you and discuss it!

For more practical tools to help you prepare for your interview, check out these articles:

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